Saturday, January 15, 2011

Tour de Nick's

What do you do when you live in Winnipeg, and are training for a South African stage race in March?

Why you join your buddies for their 8 hour 3:30 a.m. (that's right a.m.!) ride in the -35 windchill. I made it for 3 1/2 hours and then my frost bite adn I were off to work.

The evidence is here thanks to Tom Kolesnik.

Lindsay and Ian are training for the Arrowhead 135; 135 miles non-stop race on snowmobile trails in the freezing cold of northern Minnesota. Hah, only 135 miles. Hrummpphh.

Saturday, January 1, 2011


You need to get in 3 hours of tempo, but it's -25C, the wind is howling, and the trail is covered in snow, ice, frozen foot prints, and snow drifts. The answer is the Surley Pugsley, a beast of a bike that makes the aforementioned ride a blast.

No those aren't carbon aero rims. Endomorph 3.7" tires are the largest volume production bike tire available.